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Yoga Workshops

I see yoga as a path of self development. The yoga that I teach is a method for achieving changes in the emotions, mind & spirit through the body. It is a combination of traditional yoga, mainly coming from Swami Sivananda, and modern approaches from the world of body psychotherapy & Yin Yoga.

There have been many studies on how posture can change how we feel, think and behave. If you want to make an experiment yourself just try this out: hold a pencil in your mouth, between your teeth for 5-10 minutes and check if this changes anything in how you feel, most likely you are going to feel lighter, happier and calmer. This is happening because when we hold a pencil in our mouth in this way it forces us to smile, and when we feel we are smiling, even if we have no reason to be happy, our body starts producing brain signals that promote happiness. This shift is real.

In the same way any yoga posture that we do, every breathing technique every, and every kriya uses the body to achieve a different change in our mind. Some techniques can make us happier, some more loving, some more confident. 


Combining Traditional Hatha Yoga with modern medical & psychological research

I teach all the traditional Hatha Yoga techniques including:

Asana – Posture
Pranayama – Breathing techniques
Bandhas & Mudras – Locks and Gestures
Shat Karma Kriyas – Purification techniques
Kundalini – Traditional techniques for raising kundalini

I combine the teaching based on the traditional texts, and practices that have been transmitted from teacher to disciple, together with modern research to bring a combination of East & West that is both authentic, and adheres to our modern understanding.

Want to become a Yoga Teacher?

If you want to train with me to become yoga teacher you can join me in wonderful Bali to train in the Samasti Yoga TTC. Together with my partners Sean Goldberg and Angela Peres we teach an amazing one month long yoga teacher training.

check it out here:

Tantra Teachings 


For many years I have been studying tantra, both the modern neo-tantra that deals with sexuality, but especially the traditional non-sexual tantra that deals with:

Mantras – sacred sounds
Yantras – sacred diagrams
Yagnas – fire rituals

Since 2009 I am studying with Guruji Rajkumar Baswar, the head of the Shivoham Tantra Lineage, and teaching his path of tantra.

For more info:

Tantra Teachings 


For many years I have been studying tantra, both the modern neo-tantra that deals with sexuality, but especially the traditional non-sexual tantra that deals with:

Mantras – sacred sounds
Yantras – sacred diagrams
Yagnas – fire rituals

Since 2009 I am studying with Guruji Rajkumar Baswar, the head of the Shivoham Tantra Lineage, and teaching his path of tantra.

For more info:


I offer in person and online meditation teachings, I teach mindfulness meditation, meditation on emptiness, meditations from the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra, as well as Buddhist meditations and Nidra yoga.

Awareness is the solvent that dissolves all our worries and fears. It is the nectar that heals all our wounds. 

Join me in meditation to develop our non-reactive awareness and bring more joy, happiness and contentment into your life.